Who am I, you ask?

I am the woman in the art show, distracting you from the art on the walls to the art work that is herself. I am the woman in the coffee shop, working away on her laptop, only to look over at you for a brief second to see if she caught your eye just as much as you caught hers.

Having an adoration for the arts, speaking of creative work never ceases to intrigue me. As I am an artist by day, any communication over artistic pursuits…whether it is photography, acting, singing, dancing, or fashion is something I will never grow weary of. Within due time, you will see this side of me through consistent updates on this very site.

Oh, I’m also told I am quite the funny or witty one. Want to find out if that’s true?

Current song that is stuck in my head: Piel Canela by Eydie Gormé & Los Panchos